IVF center enables couples who cannot have children due to any of the couples to have a baby with IVF treatment method. IVF center treatment is the process of placing the sperm obtained from the male by the egg collection method in the laboratory environment and the embryo obtained by artificial insemination into the mother’s womb. IVF treatment at the Cyprus IVF center consists of certain stages in the form of a personalized drug scheme. First of all, our specialist doctor gynecologist listens to the past life story of the couples and their efforts to have a baby. Then, the couples are examined and certain tests are done to start treatment on both sides. Couples are given detailed information about infertility and the treatment to be applied. After all information on the subject is shared in detail, treatment begins in the light of this information. The main goal in the IVF center is to obtain a large number of eggs. The last step in IVF treatment is the transfer of embryos to the uterus. The experience and experience of the physician is very important in embryo transfer is performing. As Cyprus IVF center, we find the way to the uterus with the help of a catheter before transferring, and then we perform embryo transfer. In this way, embryos can reach the uterus without any damage.

As IVF center in IVF treatment, it is as effective as our expert and experienced team in our field, as well as being a successful center in our hospital facilities with high level laboratory equipment. Because the laboratory environment also accounts for 80% of IVF success. If there is no problem with sperm, pregnancies with high success rate can be achieved with IVF center laboratory facilities.

Cyprus IVF center is ISO9001 and ISO27001 certified and is one of the health institutions that provide

the best service to couples who want to have a baby with the gynecologist doctor, who has a certificate approved by the only Ministry of Health. Compared to other IVF centers, their prices are more affordable and their success rates are higher. Except for IVF treatment, all treatment options are available in IVF center. The main ones are treatments such as sperm donation, egg donation, gender selection, and twin baby formation. Recently, the problems in this area have come to the fore a lot. In vitro fertilization centers are quite large in number, but not every center has the quality to achieve enough success in this regard.


When choosing an IVF center, it is necessary to investigate how long the center has been active and how active it has been. As IVF center, we have been offering high success rates to our customers for many years. Then, the customer capacity and density of the center, the expertise and experience of the doctor working in the center, the laboratory equipment of the center, the successful pregnancy rates of the in vitro fertilization treatments in the center, the rates of couples going home with healthy babies in the period after pregnancy, whether they have sufficient embryo freezing equipment and The extent to which detailed information is given to those who apply to the IVF center is one of the main factors that should be taken into consideration in the selection of an IVF center. Although it is not possible to obtain accurate information about these, it will be possible to reach correct results with a good research.

As Cyprus IVF center, our main vision is to bring our couples who want to have a baby to the best result. IVF center is in constant communication with our couples from the beginning to the end of the treatment. It prepares patients for treatment not only physically but also psychologically.( It has a huge staff that can serve in Turkish, German, Russian and many other languages. The most up-to-date treatment methods are used in the Cyprus IVF center.)

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Kıbrıs tüp bebek merkezi Şefkat Her insana sevgi, merhamet ve yardım duygusuyla yaklaşırız. Vicdanımızın sesini dinler, herkese “adil ve dürüst” davranırız. Sorumluluk Yükümlülüklerimizi “eksiksiz ve tam zamanında” yerine getiririz. Toplumsal yaşam kalitesini artırmak için çalışırız. Kalite Sunduğumuz her hizmette “hasta memnuniyeti”ni gözetir, en üst kalite düzeyini hedef alırız. Takım Çalışması Her konuda iş birliğine, “ortak başarı”ya inanırız. Gelişime önem veririz. Çalışkanlık Mesleğimizi “tutku” ile yapar, her şart altında en iyi sonucu elde etmek için yılmadan çalışırız. Verimlilik Operasyonel verimliliği ve mükemmelliği hedefler, kaynaklarımızı “israf etmeden” kurum çıkarlarını gözeterek kullanırız.


Kıbrıs tüp bebek merkezi Uzmanlaştığımız Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Üremeye Yardımcı Teknikler ve Endoskopik Cerrahi alanlarında, hasta haklarına saygılı, çevreye duyarlı kaliteli hizmet vermek. Nitelikli sağlık çalışanlarıyla, tıbbi etik ilkelerden ödün vermeden yeniliklere ve gelişime açık olmak. Hasta ve çalışan güvenliğini ön planda tutarak, sürekli kendini yenileyen, alanında öncü kuruluş olmak. Hastalarımızın ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini anlayarak verdiğimiz hizmet kalitesini ölçülebilir şekilde geliştirmek. Sektörde örgütlü bir yapı ve güçbirliği ile üreme tıbbı alanında dünya standartlarında bir yapılanma kurmak, hizmetlerimizi tüm yurda yayarak çocuk sahibi olmak isteyen çiftlerin etik bir anlayış içerisinde sorunsuz olarak bu amaca ulaşmalarını sağlamaktir.

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