What is Tandem Treatment?

Tandem treatment is included in in vitro fertilization applications. Among the applications for women, tandem therapy is used to increase egg quality for women with reduced egg reserve. In addition to standard IVF applications, the possibility of successful pregnancy increases with tandem treatment, which proceeds with the same procedure with a donor egg.

How is Tandem Treatment Applied?

The application of tandem treatment takes place by choosing the eggs among the healthy ones. Collected eggs are divided into two groups. The first group consists of eggs that have not been specially taken, and the second group consists of donor eggs. Multiple pregnancy is likely due to fertilization of more than one egg. Two groups of eggs are fertilized with sperm taken from the partner. First of all, eggs taken from the woman without preparation are fertilized with sperm. The health of the embryo obtained as a result of fertilization and its holding capacity to the uterus are checked. In this context, if the embryo is healthy, it is monitored without any problems. If there is a problem in the embryo, problems such as attachment problems are experienced and the doctor doubts that the embryo can survive, the donor egg kept as a spare is activated. In this way, as a second chance, it becomes possible to fertilize two separate eggs at once. The resulting embryo continues to be monitored during the stages of adhesion to the uterus and initiation of growth. In this way, even after tandem treatment, it is tried to prevent pregnancy and a healthy birth by intervening immediately in any problem.

Egg Supplement in Tandem Cycle Application

Tandem treatment with egg supplements is among the newest in vitro fertilization applications. For egg fortification, the characteristics of the problem in the mother’s eggs and the quality of the eggs are taken into consideration. The treatment applied in women with very limited egg reserves proceeds by taking donor eggs from outside in addition to the patient’s own egg. The egg taken from outside is kept in addition to the patient’s egg. The priority of treatment is that the patient gets pregnant with his own egg. Despite the problems that will occur after the fertilization of one’s own egg, the condition of holding an egg that is sure to be healthy as a backup is called tandem therapy.

What are the Tandem Treatment Process Steps?

The application steps in tandem treatment can be listed as follows:

• Initially, the eggs of the expectant mother are taken for evaluation and sent to the laboratory.

• If the eggs are of poor quality, the expectant mother is taken to the egg reproduction process.

• Eggs taken from a donor similar to their physical characteristics in the same process are made ready for the mother.

• In vitro fertilization treatment is started after the procedure performed on the egg of the raw patient and the donor egg.

• Both the patient’s egg and the donor’s egg are fertilized with the sperm to be taken from the partner.

• Both eggs are monitored. If the mother-to-be’s own embryo does not develop well, the donor’s embryo is used.

• More than one embryo is used to increase the chance of a healthy birth at the stage of embryo implantation. At this stage, embryos can be taken in the form of supplements in cases such as low number of embryos originating from the mother or poor quality fertilization.

Advantages of Tandem Treatment

The positive aspects of tandem treatment can be listed as follows:

• The patient gets the chance to fertilize his own egg before the donation phase.

• The success rate obtained from the treatment is high due to the removal of the donor egg after a detailed examination.

Can Your Own Embryo Be Used In Tandem Treatment?

The use of the patient’s embryo in tandem treatment depends on the patient’s egg health and the state of the embryo. Despite the tandem treatment, there may be situations where the egg taken from the donor is not needed. In case of any of these situations, the egg taken from the donor will be canceled. The person’s own egg is placed in the mother’s uterus, making sure that healthy fertilization takes place.

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