What is Microinjection (ICSI)?
In combination with the microinjection method, it is applied when the egg cell is not fertilized for various reasons. The success rate achieved in microinjection is approximately 70% for each egg.
What is Antisperm Antibody?
One of the reasons for fertilization of egg and sperm cells is the antibody secreted by the egg cell. The steps in Microinjection applied in these methods are given below in order. These steps are:
Egg development monitoring
• Egg collection
• Combining sperm sample with eggs
• Fertilization
Embryo transfer
•Pregnancy test
How Is Microinjection Treatment Performed?
Below are the steps followed in the treatment with microinjection. These steps are explained as follows:
• Pre-Cycle: First of all, the patients who come are given birth control pills. In this way, it is desired to ensure that the menstrual period after one month is performed in a healthy way and that no cysts occur. On the 21st day of the menstrual period of the people who come later, drug treatment is started to control the hormones. This drug can be taken as a spray through the nose or in the form of a needle into the body. Taking the drug continues until the eggs are collected. The period of use of the birth control drug is 21 days. At the end of this 21-day period, a new menstrual period begins.
• Stimulation of the Ovaries: This treatment is started on the 3rd day of the menstrual period. Hormone is given to the body for treatment. This hormone is injected into the body through a needle. In this way, more than one egg is produced in the ovaries instead of one. The stimulation of the eggs varies on average between 10 and 12 days. This period varies according to the response time of the patients’ ovaries to the treatment.
• Egg Collection: After the maturation of the egg cells, cracking is performed with a needle. Eggs are collected after an average of 34 to 36 hours after this injection. The procedure is performed under anesthesia and the procedure time is approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Patients do not need to be hospitalized after the operation. They are allowed to go home on the day of the procedure.
• Fertilization of Eggs: Sperm are primarily stored in a special liquid. Then the fertilization process takes place. This fertilization process takes place between 12 and 15 hours on average. The result of the fertilization of the eggs is informed to the patient via telephone.
• Embryo Transfer: Transfer procedures are performed after egg collection. It is expected that a period of 48 to 72 hours will elapse for this process. This period can take up to 120 hours in some cases. The number and quality of embryos are effective in determining this period. Plastic pipes are used in the transfer process. The structure of this pipe is very thin. With the tube, embryos are transferred to the uterus. No anesthesia is used in this operation. The reason for this is that there is no feeling of pain during the procedure. It is required to rest for approximately half an hour after the procedure. The patients are then allowed to leave the hospital. Performing the pregnancy test takes a 2-week period. During this time period, hormonal supplements are given to patients.
When is Microinjection Applied?
The microinjection process is carried out as a result of the following events. These events are as follows:
• Insufficient sperm count
• Lack of sperm motility
Sperm shapes (morphology) being defective
Microinjection Cost
Microinjection price is determined according to the following features:
• Quality
• Experience
Laboratory facilities
• Medicine used
• Material used
Pregnancy by Microinjection
It does not occur in all eggs fertilized during microinjection. The fertilization rate by microinjection varies approximately between 50% and 80%.