According to researches on those who become pregnant with egg transplantation, every woman who has a healthy uterus for pregnancy can have a baby thanks to egg transplantation. Egg transplant treatment called egg donation is the same as in vitro fertilization. The only difference is that the eggs are obtained from another woman. So, who can get pregnant with egg transplantation?
Pregnancy treatment with egg transplantation can be applied to women who do not have enough healthy eggs for pregnancy, those who enter early menopause, those who cannot have a baby due to various hereditary diseases, those whose ovaries have been completely removed and those who have genetic diseases that can be transferred to the baby. Treatment for pregnancy with egg transplantation is done in two ways. In one of them, the parties that will buy and give eggs do not know each other in any way. In the other, the receiving party can determine the donor party according to its own preference. However, the person who will donate eggs should be chosen carefully. First of all, the donor person should be evaluated psychologically. Candidates with any psychological illness are not chosen as donors. If there is a risk of carrier of various ailments in buyers, some tests are applied to the buyers. If people who will be egg donors and recipients are deemed sufficient for this procedure, drug treatment is started. Depending on the stimulation of the eggs, treatment is started on the second or third day of the period. Eggs are collected at the end of 36 hours with the help of general anesthesia. The sperm taken from the father candidate and the collected eggs are fertilized in a laboratory environment. In this way, the embryo to be placed in the mother’s womb is made ready.
Confidentiality is essential in the treatment of those who become pregnant with egg transplantation. If the donor and the recipient do not want the egg, the process is completed without even being confronted. The donor may not request the recipient’s information under any circumstances. The receiving party is the legal mother and father of the baby to be born. The donor party has no say over the baby and has no legal rights over the child. Egg collection is not made to the recipient during the application. Therefore, there is no surgical risk for the recipient. All information of the donors, except for the identity information, is transferred to the recipient. However, identity information is kept confidential. The process of getting pregnant with egg transplantation is one of the most successful procedures that can enable couples who want to become parents to have a baby.